Studying online

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How you can manage job and studying to accomplish a Master of Science
Studying online
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At a Glance - Study Course

Study Course Integrative Oncology

Picture: Sarah Salomo

For legal reasons, the documents of the study program "Studienordnung" and "Prüfungsordnung" are only available in German, but we can recommend the program DeepL for translation into any language. For further questions, please contact the program coordination.


  • Module 1: Complementary Medicine
    Module 1 Complementary Medicine
    Module 1 Complementary Medicine
    Image: René Meyer


    What can I do by myself? The most frequently asked question of oncology patients’ needs competent answers – Complementary Medicine provides them.

    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Jutta Hübner
    • Duration: 1 Semester ( generally 1. Semester)


    The Module teaches interdisciplinary knowledge and skills on various methods and systems of complementary medicine. The module includes biologically based methods (e.g. nutritional supplements, phytotherapeutics), mind-body methods (e.g. yoga, tai chi), holistic systems (e.g. homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, anthroposophic medicine), and body oriented methods (e.g., physical therapy, manual medicine, cold and heat applications), as well as energy medicine topics (e.g., acupuncture, aura therapy). A special focus is the critical discussion and differentiation of alternative medicine from complementary medicine. All contents are analyzed and reflected based on evidence-based medicine. Possibilities and limitations of implementation of complementary medicine in the overall oncological care are discussed.

  • Module 2: Nutrition
    Module 2 Clinical Nutrition
    Module 2 Clinical Nutrition
    Graphic: René Meyer

    The "right" diet for cancer — (im-)possible? 
    Patients often experience uncertainty when it comes to nutrition. In contrast there needs to be great certainty in the consultation for successful therapy support.

    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
    • Duration: 1 Semester (generally 1. Semester)

    The module teaches advanced knowledge of nutrition in the context of the overall oncological concept. The module covers, among other things, the basics of physiology, pathophysiology and biochemical aspects of nutrition (vitamins, trace elements, protein metabolism) as well as determining variables of energy metabolism and it’s particularities in oncology. Furthermore the benefits and risks of of certain diets (vegetarian, vegan) and cancer diets are discussed. The module provides knowledge on the role of nutrition in prevention and rehabilitation, as well as during oncological therapy in specific disease situations.

  • Module 3: Physical Exercise
    Module 3 Physical Exercise
    Module 3 Physical Exercise
    Graphic: René Meyer

    Supporting therapy through physical activity and exercises is essential for patients with tumors. Therapies become more tolerable and the prognosis improves.

    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Jens Büntzel
    • Duration: 1 Semester ( generally 2. Semester)

    The module provides in-depth knowledge and skills about different aspects of physical activity. Students will analyse possible (contra-)indications of physical activity in specific oncological therapy and disease situations. Knowledge about physical activity and sport in cancer in primary and tertiary prevention (history, consequences of inactivity) and symptom-specific influences is imparted. Selected training methods (oncological training therapy) will be analyzed and discussed. 

  • Module 4: Integrative Oncology
    Module 4 Integrative Oncology
    Module 4 Integrative Oncology
    Graphic: René Meyer

    All together now! Promoting patient empowerment and strenghtening self-efficacy through comprehensive treatment approaches and lay oriented communication - an interdisciplinary and interprofessional task.

    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Micke
    • Duration: 1 Semester (generally 2. Semester)

    This module provides multidisciplinary knowledge of integrative oncology. The benefits and risks of symptomatic therapy options and its appropriateness in the context of integrative oncology are analyzed. A special focus is placed on the integration of the topics into lay-oriented communication and information to perspons with cancer and their relatives in order to strengthen resilience and self-efficacy. Students will learn targeted counseling to weigh the benefits and risks of complementary medicine, nutritional medicine, and sports medicine methods, as well as related communication with lay persons, other professionals, and the media. In addition, ethical evaluation and legal principles of desicion making are discussed in the oncological context.

  • Module 5: Master Thesis
    Logo Master Integrative Onkologie
    Logo Master Integrative Onkologie
    Graphic: René Meyer

    Your hypothesis / idea and the implementation in a scientific paper with presentation of the results at the Science Slam.

    • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Jutta Hübner
    • Duration: 1 Semester (i. d. R. 3. Semester)

    Writing of a Master's thesis accompanied by an online colloquium integrating all learned contents of the other modules and their application to an concrete complex and interdisciplinary problem.


Each module concludes with an exam at the end of the semester. So you'll have 2 exams in the first semester, 2 exams in the second semester and the master thesis in the third semester. You will be informed about the exact form of the examination at the beginning of each module. Typical exam forms are online-pitches, a written paper or an online exam.

Online Week:

You will start the first and second semester with an online week, which you can attend from the comfort of your own home. The week usally comprises 5 days (Monday to Friday), each from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is designed to give you an introduction to the respective semester.

In Thuringia our online week ist registered as a educational leave (Bildungsveranstaltung). Usally this registration allows an application for an educational leave in the other federal states. See more under Costs.

Online-Seminars & Self Study:

Approximately every 3 weeks, a synchronous online seminar takes place via Zoom on 2 days each. An online seminar lasts about 3 hours and takes place in the evening (from 6 p.m.) to ensure compatibility with work. The online seminars focus on the exchange between students and the intensive professional discussion of the contents. Between the synchronous online seminars, asynchronous self study takes place in which the knowledge is deepened independently. Therefore, we will provide you with material, case studies and exercises.

Final Weekend:

At the end of the third semester we will finish the study with a "final weekend" in Jena. It comprises three days (Friday to Sunday) and serves the presentation of the master theses (completed or started) in a science slam. The costs for travel and accomondation are covered by the students themselves. If you need help booking a hotel, you can always contact our program coordination.

Book tower

Illustration: AdobeStock